Cross-border Trade RMB Settlement

Cross-border Trade RMB Settlement- Hang Seng Bank Mainland China
With the opening up of cross-border trade RMB settlement in July 2009, and the increasing importance of RMB in international trade settlement, more and more enterprises make use of RMB to settle cross border trade business, in the aim of grabbing benefits from this new international trade settlement model.

Benefits to get

To circumvent foreign exchange risk and reduce transaction cost towards foreign exchange

To negotiate on a more precise product or service price

To enjoy our extensive RMB clearing network

To get our elite services

Our strength

Customized trade solutions to provide supporting your cross-border trade business

Diversified cross-border trade RMB settlement related products to offer

Our extensive RMB clearing network together with broad branch network

RMB banking service

At Hang Seng Bank (China), we offer the following services:

RMB Accounts

RMB accounts opening are offered to both onshore and offshore companies. You can manage your cross-border trade remittances via your RMB Accounts.

Cross-border RMB remittance

You can experience our real time remittance to transfer RMB funds within greater China including Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau. We also offer agent bank account services to overseas banks, any remittance via the overseas bank could be settled through the nominated agent bank account with HACN.

Cross-border RMB Trade Services & Finance

A comprehensive suite of cross-border RMB trade services, covering documentary credit (“DC”) issuance and advising, import / export trade finance and bills collection.

Cross-border RMB Trade Solutions

You can ride on the benefits of various trade solutions which can assist you to lock in the RMB exchange rate, interest rate and enhance your gains from RMB transactions.

Cross-border RMB Exchanges

You can enjoy more flexibility with the choice to settle cross-border trade transactions with your counterparts in RMB, HKD, USD or any other foreign currencies.


Remarks: All terms and conditions of our products and services are subject to PBOC latest rules and regulations.