Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited
简体 ENG

System Maintenance Schedule System Requirement

Logon e-Banking

Do not click on attachments or embedded URLs in suspicious emails to prevent virus infection.
User Name:
Important Notice for Online Security

To prevent virus infection, customers should NOT click on the attachments or embedded URLs in suspicious emails. Hang Seng has not (and will never do) send out emails that ask customer to provide any personal data, such as username, password, Security Code or account information.

Customers should install anti-virus software and update it with latest virus definition files.

To use Hang Seng e-Banking service, customers should key in the genuine website address of Hang Seng China www.hangseng.com.cn at the address bar of the browser, or bookmark the genuine website and use this function to access their e-Banking service. Customers are reminded NOT to access Hang Seng e-Banking service through URLs embedded in emails or unknown sources such as pop-up windows or search results from internet search engines.

Customers are reminded to read through the Online Security Tips in our website from time to time. If customers who concern that they may have disclosed any confidential information on fraudulent websites should contact the Bank on Customer Service Hotline 8008 30 8008/ 4008 30 8008.
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